Preview any CRM entity in any CRM list

Preview any CRM entity in any CRM list
Avocado.Software’s Global Preview allows CRM users to preview any CRM entity in any list without opening them individually.
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Why do I need Global Preview for Microsoft Dynamics 365?
Avocado.Software’s Global Preview is the missing link for a complete CRM user experience. The add-in solution conveniently gets rid of the hassle of individually opening and previewing CRM entities.
Global Preview
- Preview entities in an Outlook-style Preview Pane directly in the Dynamics CRM list
- Preview open and closed entities for selected contacts, accounts, or any other CRM entity
- Configure attributes to display for any entity (including Custom Entities)
- Preview Notes and Attributes
- New features for Email preview
- Search emails directly among CRM records in Dynamics CRM
- Preview emails associated with Accounts, Contacts, and other entities
- Open CRM emails and attachments directly from preview
- Create, reply, reply all, and print emails from Email Preview
Try our product for free
Demo Global Preview for free and experience powerful Dynamics CRM solutions to meet your company’s needs.

Instructions for Global Preview Demo
- At the sales tab, click to “Email Preview” menu item to open general Email Preview screen.
- Global Preview pane is available from any CRM grids/forms and sub-grids/sub-forms.
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